3D1 Exam results 2014 - 15: Cityscene on Sketchfab

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The students made their first ever low poly 3D scene. The goal was to create a city scene based on reference and it had to be exported to Sketchfab. Because of the huge amount of content that was created Sketchfab noticed something went on and they talked about it on their blog.


First year student Thomas Kole was invited by Sketchfab to talk about the creation of his scene on Sketchfab, read it here.


Here are some of the results. To see more you can browse our Sketchfab page. Thanks to Sketchfab for being so supportive. 

Sicilian city diorama by Olmo Potums on Sketchfab

Cityscene inspired by Annecy by Simon Coenen on Sketchfab

CityScene - Stephan Quintens - 1DAE12 by Stephan Quintens on Sketchfab

Cityscene by Sander Vander Meiren by Sander Vander Meiren on Sketchfab

City Scene by Nicolas Gerard on Sketchfab

London CityScene (updated version) by Cheyoban De Winter on Sketchfab

Italian Cityscene by Gaetan Thibaut on Sketchfab

CityScene Samuel De Vos: Taipei by Samuel De Vos on Sketchfab

Cudillero Diorama Cityscene by Thomas Kole on Sketchfab

Cityscene London by Ralph Packet on Sketchfab

london diorama by Luna Fierens on Sketchfab

CityScene by Eli De Koninck on Sketchfab

CityScene London by Thomas Van Fucht on Sketchfab