Augmented reality climbing game

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How to add some game technology fun to a classic climbing wall experience? In this proof of concept we showed what new immersed game technologies can add to help innovate sport and intrigue people to start moving.


For this project (version 1.0 for the Sports Innovation Campus at Howest Brugge) we used the Unity game engine, a set-up with a projector and RGB camera’s, a basic self-written implementation to detect the player(s) on the climbing wall for interaction.


In 2018, we improved this concept for the “Technopolis Sports 2.0 exhibition” and experimented with the “open pose” system to detect the players real-time movements and visualize them as a skeleton on a 2D plane. This resulted in a better and more accurate way of player interaction. We implemented a new mini-game in which the player manipulates the angle of moving mirrors with the position of his hands to bend a laser and shoot the target.

Status: Project on demand, project finished


Try me! The laser climbing game is available at Technopolis Mechelen Sport 2.0 exhibition as from July 1st 2018 (more information here) and at the Howest Sport innovation campus Bruges (permanent)