Congratulations, you have just enrolled at Howest. You probably want to thoroughly prepare for this new challenge. Below you find all sorts of information that can be useful before you start. Welcome to the official opening of the academic year.
Your enrolment and funding
For information regarding your enrolment, funding of your studies, studyfinancing, or your administrative file, you can always reach out to the student administration office, stuvo.
Introductory courses
As a future university college student, you want to be well prepared for the study program of your choice. In the first half of September, just before the start of the academic year, DAE organises a few introductory courses for those students who have limited prior knowledge of certain subjects.
Orientation week (Kick-off)
Each new academic year the lessons start on a Monday, generally the fourth week of September. The week before, we welcome our international students with a series of activities. This way, you can settle in and get to know a lot of fellow students before the mayhem starts...
During this orientation week you also receive information on administrative matters, life on campus, renting a bike in Kortrijk and much more.
Study funding and scholarships
For more information on study financing at Howest, you can contact Stuvo, our student services.
On your way to the campus
Kortrijk is not a big city and our campuses are within walking distance of Kortrijk's train station.
For faster or further transportation, we advise to bring (or rent) a bicycle, or take the bus:
- The non-profit organisation Mobiel rents out bicycles to students for only €5 per month.
- All Howest students can get a bus pass for Greater Kortrijk only for €10. This is connected to your student card, so you need to take that with you whenever you want to take a bus.
Applying for special conditions/ facilities
Students who are eligible for so-called facilities, can receive support that will make their learning track more individualised and comfortable, while still having to adhere to the competences formulated by the study program. The following students can apply for special conditions/facilities: students with a disability, top athletes and working students. It is determined for each student individually which facilities can be acquired in his/her case. You can apply for these conditions/facilities to the talent coach of Howest STUVO.
More information regarding individualised study tracks can be found here (link to a web page in Flemish).