On Friday the 2nd of February, Flemish Minister for Education Hilde Crevits visited Digital Arts & Entertainment's the Level. Here, the Minister got introduced to the different educational programs and future plans of Howest.
During her visit, Minister Crevits experienced the unbounded potential of upcoming Virtual Reality applications as presented by DAE-Resarch, the research cell of the educational program. Within their subsidized TETRA project 'Sector Innovating Virtual & Augmented Reality', Flemish organisations are guided into defining the added value of Virtual & Augmented Reality technology in their current workflow. One part of the project focusses on developing proof-of-concept applications for Flemish industrial settings (e.g. remote support, virtual reality training,…) with the aid of Howest, application and game developers. The second part focusses on also helping organizations within other sectors such as healthcare, architecture, product visualization and education find their way to the world of applicable Virtual and Augmented Reality world concepts.
Using the Virtual Reality training application made by DAE-Research, Minister Crevits learned how to manually assemble a machine part step by step. Embedding the graduation work of student Giuliano De Luca made it possible to blend the virtual and real world by using the greenkey studio inside the Level, thus creating a mixed reality experience as shown in the pictures below.
More information on the added value of virtual and augmented reality? Contact DAE-Research
More images on the Howest Flickr page.
Copyright: and vrt.