Audio Implementation 2

In short:
In Audio Implementation 2, the students will learn how to navigate and work in Unreal Engine 5. They will learn how to set up basic gameplay mechanics in a setting that focuses on the use of Audio for a video game and they get to work and research Unreals' sound implementation system "Metasounds"
while working on a personal project that will showcase their skills in creating a sound based intricate gameplay experience.

Course contents and learning material:
The course material for Audio Implementation 2 is provided through Howest’ learning platform, LEHO, which includes a range of resources and the digital syllabus. The students will be provided videos from earlier years to study and take a look at what to expect from the upcoming classes.

Evaluation and assignments:
The evaluation for the course consists of a theory test halfway through the course together with a practical exam to test the skills of the students at that given moment. The students will be given exercises to practise the content given during the classes. For the final exam, the students will create a project from scratch, where they will create a small gameplay prototype consisting of 3 different mechanics driven by sound.

Learning goals and outcomes:
Students will learn how to quickly prototype gameplay mechanic ideas through blueprints as a mean to communicate to gameplay programmers on top of the knowledge of how to implement their own created sounds into a video game. This course will challenge the students to see sound for games as more than just an audio file, but also a mechanic and an enrichment to the experience of the player.


Students will use Epic Games’ Unreal Engine 5.x (Latest Edition). The student can choose what software to use for the processing of their created and/or downloaded sounds.


This course is taught by the resident audio programming weirdo Dylan De Waele and/or Unreal master Bert Wouters