This years theme for the exam of character design was "Sherlock Holmes" with a slight touch of steampunk. The students had to design a male and female character to visualize the idea of the cocky Sherlock...

When playing a game in which you walk through lush vegetation, Sander Vander Meiren disliked it that all too often the ferns, banana leaves and other foliage do not move - or at least don't respond realistically enough to...

For their group project, the 3D production and VFX students had to make a fictitious film trailer.

Here are some of the works of the Level Decoration course, some of which have been featured on the Unreal Engine facebook page . Students had to make a scene in Unreal Engine 4. Dovydas Budrys , also here...

Alumnus Update: Lukas Van Daele has worked on Mirror's Edge Catalyst as a level designer at EA DICE in Sweden. It all started when Lukas created a Mirrors Edge mod (see below) during his summer holiday (DAE-ers never...

Our final year students just finished their group projects: Designing and making a game from scratch during 1 semester. Teams consist out of a blend of student students from the major Game Development - that take care of the...

Game Art Pipeline focuses on baking techniques, PBR texturing skills and presenting your finished game asset. In order to exercise these skills our 2nd year students created a melee weapon of choice. The idea was to go for...

Our very own DAEstudios have released ZombieSwipe , available on the App Store and Google Play. ZombieSwipe is a new type of defensive game. Here you have to keep Stacey - our beautiful...

Alumnus Update: Hannes Sap has been working at Double Negative (London) for over two years. First as a Assistant Colourist, then as Roto and Prep Artist. He is currently working on...

Alumnus Update: Roel Coucke has made the successful transition from games to film. After his work at Guerrilla Games Cambridge on their VR game "RIGS mechanized Combat League", he headed to London to join...

Little kids learn by playing games, big boys and girls learn by making games. After 5 weeks of studying the art of programming, we gave our students the assignment to "make a game" using the basic knowledge they have...

Developers creating websites and desktop applications that interact with databases or mobile apps, often wonder about the use of maths. Not so for Game Developers. Math is one of the essential tools in our toolbox, and it...

Go Go Poncho is a local party brawling game for up to 4 players made by 5 DAE students. The students are: Rik van den Biggelaar, Keke Kokelenberg, Frederic Degraeve, Jeroen Coessens and Bavo van den Eynde. You...

The last year students of the major Game Graphics Production had to make a photoreal architectureal scene that runs in real time. Real time architectural visualizations are a rising trend in the industry, so having the...

Alumnus Timothy Dries, who is now a graduate environment artist working on Planet Coaster for Frontier Developments in Cambridge, wrote an article on Level 80 about making and lighting an evening...

Alumnus Gilles Verstraete is now a 3D artist at Gameloft, where he worked on Asphalt Xtreme. Asphalt Xtreme is a mobile racing game that pushes graphics and gameplay to a new limit. Gilles worked mainly on...

Here are the results of the first Level Decoration assignment of the 2016-17 academic year. The assignment focuses on composition, material and light. A ruin had to be created from scratch, but the students could make use of...

For the Preproduction 1 classes we went sketching in the Begijnhof in Kortrijk. We did this to prepare our students for the upcoming perspective assignment. Despite the very cold weather, students enjoyed the sketching trip...

Every year, we organise an internship fair here at DAE, where a wide range of companies are invited to present themselves and their internship offers to our students – and to interview potential candidates. Last...

Alumnus Brecht Lecluyse is co-founder of Glowfish Interactive were he develops games together with fellow alumnus Emile De Paepe . They are currently working on Trifox: a top-down twin stick action adventure game set...

Once again our first year students were able to show some promising results after only two weeks of courses. Using nothing but conditionals and flow control, combined with basic knowledge of SDL and OpenGL (1.5+) they created...

We had the pleasure of having Unreal Engine Evangelist Sjoerd - Hourences - De Jong coming to visit our campus. Sjoerd has a very long career in the games industry working for many companies as a level designer....

Belgian comedian William Boeva visited our school for his latest show "Boeva and the Games" which is aired on Ketnet, a popular children's television channel. William met up with our students who made...

Christophe Degraeve made an old Chinese house as assignment, which has been noticed by the Sketchfab staff ( staff picked ) and by CGchannel ( model of the month ). Congratulations ! Also check out...

DAE student Christophe Struyf has made a tileable pattern generator script and it has been featured on the Polycount news feed ! Good job Christophe !

Antigraviator , a game made by DAE students for the course Game Projects , is selected for the INDIGO game expo. This expo is organized by Dutch Game Garden and showcases the best and most outstanding games made by...

Some of the results of the second year game projects made in Unity. These are group efforts of four to five students, done in one semester.

For this year's final assignment, our first-year students had to design an attractive setting to two pages of the novel 'Pure' by Andrew Miller. The 2 primary elements, which needed to be clearly present, were...

Brains Eden Festival is a four-day event, held in Cambridge, UK, in which teams have 48 hours to make original games about a surprise theme. Besides the game jam, students join industry-led workshops, career clinics,...

Here are some of the results of the Compositing 1 course. Inspired by Tiny Worlds (by Rushes) the students had to create CG toys coming to life in a real world.

In the movie Pi, Max says mathematics is the language of nature, and everything can be represented and understood through numbers. This might not be entirely true, but where Game Development or VFX are concerned, the...

2016 DAE Summer School : We invite you to come to the third edition of the DAE Summer School. International students from Greece, Venezuela, Czech Republic, Turkey, US, Israel & UK flew over and...

These are some of the exam results of the character creation course. This is done by second year students, their first full body character done in Zbrush. Their characters where based upon an existing designs, so you can...

Thomas Van Nuffel created a terrain and environment engine for use in photo realistic city building and sandbox games. The philosophy of the industry has been shifting from static assets to procedural assets and...

This Unreal project by Nicolas Pirot focusses on material deterioration, although it has a lot of other interesting things going on as well. The unique aspect of this tech showcase is giving the user the possibility to...

Every year, our first-year students of the Game Development major need to prove that they understand the basics of C++. What better way than asking them to recreate one of their childhood favourites – games they have...

This is a selection of the 3D2 exam. The goal was to create a vehicle using subdivision modeling techniques. Believable materials had to be created and everything was rendered using Nvidia Mental Ray. Render passes like...

This are the results of the final assignment of the module Game Graphics (next year called Game Art 1) in the second year. The students had to make one old building and texture it using hand painted techniques, using Photoshop...

These are the results of the 2016 DAE VR Jam where students in teams of 5-6 members gave their best during 72 hours. They had to dive into this new technology based on Google Card Board in Unity3D. ...

For the course Rigging and VFX, students from the major Game Graphics Production were given a 3D scene and had to create four separate particle effects for that scene. Everything was made in Unreal. Besides the look of those...

Final year student Tim Moreels made a handpainted game character as free work entitled "Pirate Frog". It's a very colourful and awesome piece! See more here

Alumnus Yannick Vanhoutte got a staff pick at Sketchfab for his Darkest Dungeaon fan art piece. Make sure to turn it around to see what happens!

Our students have their share of anatomy sculpting classes and got to know the full asset creation pipeline for the first time. Creating a piece of armor that fit a well done torso was the perfect exercise to practice these...

For the course Game Graphics (next year called Game Art) the students had to design their own avatar, and then turn it into a low-poly handpainted 3D model that had to be uploaded on Sketchfab.

Four study programmes from Howest Kortrijk unite forces for a joint study trip to Japan in 2017 (5/2/2017-11/2/2017) : Digital Arts and Entertainment, Industrial Product Design, Multimedia & Communication Technology and...

For this assignment we took the interior of a church as the basis for a colour and mood paint. In preparation for this assignment, the students created observational sketches in a few churches in Kortrijk. They implemented a...

Creaweek at Digital Arts and Entertainment ! That means no lessons but a ton of workshops of all sorts. Here is an impression. For starters: crealab Workshop: Pixel art Workshop: Fusion 360. Learning the first...

As an exercise for the Preproduction 2 course, students had to bring their own fruit to class and paint it digitally. Here is a collection of all the still lifes:

Senior student Mocika Cleon is doing his internship at Pajama Llama , a small independent game studio in Belgium, started by former DAE students, where he is working on their game Flotsam , a survival town-builder...